Published books of Dr. Cem Çağatay Orak:
  1. Taxation of Arbitral Awards Under the Turkish Stamp Tax Act, Yetkin Publishing, Ankara, 2024, ISBN 978-605-05-1863-4.
  2. Some Legal Issues in Energy and Infrastructure Sectors, Ankara, Cakmak Publishing, 2019, ISBN: 978-605-80170-0-9.
  3. Public Services and State Owned Enterprises under Competition Law, Ankara, Cakmak Publishing, 2011, ISBN: 978-9944-794-08-4.
  4. Concession Contracts and International Arbitration, Ankara, Dayinlarli Publishing, 2006, ISBN: 975-7680-46-X.
Selective publications of Dr. Cem Çağatay Orak are as follows:
  1. Public Private Partnership Projects in the Healthcare Sector: Are They an Example of Anomaly in the Turkish Arbitration Law? Journal of International Trade and Arbitration Law, Vol. 9, Issue: 1, Year: 2020, pp. 155-202.
  2. Considerations on Turkish Constitutional Court’s Decisions in Relation to the Supervision of Electricity Generation and Distribution Facilities, Gazi University Law Review, 2015/1, pp. 219-270.
  3. Cumulative Impact Assessment in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process: An Analysis Based on the Judicial Precedents, Energy Law Journal, Issue: 2014/1, Ankara pp. 97-111.
  4. Public Establishments and the Principle of Speciality – Observations on the Theory and Practice, Gazi University Law Review, Vol. 16, Issue: 2012/ 4, pp. 265-302.
  5. Public Services: How will Tabula Rasa be Fulfilled Pending Turkey’s Accession to the European Union, Journal of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations, January 2007, Vol. 68, pp. 161-239.
Selective publications of Dr. Cem Çağatay Orak are as follows:
  1. Considerations on the Resource-Based Support Mechanism under the Constitution and the Basics of the Market Established by the Turkish Electricity Market Act, Energy Law Journal, Ankara, Vol. 2024/1, pp. 91-108.
  2. Will Istanbul Ever be an Internationally Recognized Arbitration Center? (co-author), Turkish Policy Quarterly, Summer 2014, pp. 139-146.
  3. Standard Terms under the New Turkish Code of Obligations and Their Implications on Certain Types of Contracts in the Electricity Market, (co-author), Energy Law Journal, Issue 2012/2, Ankara, pp. 201-215.
  4. Provision of Solid Waste Treatment Services by Private Legal Entities, (co-author), Journal of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations, September-October 2010, Vol. 90, pp. 395-419.
  5. Public Service Concession Contracts and ICSID Arbitration, Journal of Ankara Bar Association, Issue: 2005/1, pp. 71-107.
  6. Foreign Element under the Law No. 4501, Journal of Syndicate of Turkish Civil Contractors, November/December 2004, pp. 20-23.
  7. UNIDROIT Principles and International Commercial Arbitration, Journal of Ankara Bar Association, Issue: 2004/1, pp. 85-107.
Selective speaking engagements of Dr. Cem Çağatay Orak are as follows:
  1. Energy Law, World Energy Strategies Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul, 26 August 2019.
  2. Domestic and International Arbitration in Turkey, TUREVAK/Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Advanced Certificate Program, Ankara, October 2018.
  3. Domestic and International Arbitration in Turkey, TUREVAK/Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Advanced Certificate Program, Ankara, October 2017.
  4. Energy Disputes and Arbitration, Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Energy Law Seminar, Antalya, 15 February 2015.
  5. Development of Geothermal Energy Projects, U.S.–Turkey Geothermal Workshop, sponsored by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Ankara, 22 October 2014.
  6. Legal Framework of Transit Oil and Gas Projects, TUROGE, 12th Turkish International Oil & Gas Conference, Ankara, 10 April 2013.
  7. Legal and Fiscal Framework for Energy Corporation and Investment, Turkish-Dutch Energy Corporation, Istanbul, 23 March 2011.